Wednesday 15 May 2013

Crap reasons for not liking the new Dredd film

Good evening.

I've heard a lot of rubbish from critics and poor souls who are unable to suspend disbelief for a couple of hours when it comes to the new Dredd film starring Karl Urban as "Ol' Stony Face". So let's turn the tables on the critics.

1 - "The Judges armour is crap! It's just motorbike/motocross armour!" You may have noticed from the comics (if you're a true fan) and from the film that a Judge's primary mode of transport is the Lawmaster motorcycle. Next idiot, please...

2 - "The uniform isn't the same as in the comic!" Yet the same people who moaned about the uniform in the 2012 film had no problem with "artistic licence" when it came to things like The Fog having nothing to do with the book by James Herbert, or the main hero being written out of We Were Soldiers because of Mel Gibson's racist hatred of English people.

3 - "It's all set in one building!" To para-quote the Judge Dredd comic strip from 2000AD comic, a tower block in Mega City One is so big that it not only contains living space, but also hospitals, schools, shops, hypermarkets, etc. Therefore, it's possible for a citizen of Mega City One to be born, live and die without ever having left their block. And what difference would it make if it spanned more than just one block? If you wanted nothing but car chases, stick with Fast and Furious 27 or whatever.

4 - "There's no room for a sequel!" Really? You claim to be a fan and make a statement like that? May The Angel Gang, Owen Krysler, The Mutant, Chief Judge Cal, Sov Bloc One and the Four Dark Judges visit your dreams, you novice.

More crap comments posted later as they come.

In the mean time, stay out of trouble, citizen!