Friday 12 April 2013

Judging on first appearances

Hello folks.

Something to make you think.

The guy you think isn't quite cool enough to date is the guy who's a Red Cross volunteer, last stationed in a war zone. The girl you think is just a bit too "fat" to be seen with is the same girl who spent way more than £5 on your Secret Santa present last year. The guy you think is a scruff is the same guy who helps his elderly neighbour take her trash out. The girl you think of as a bimbo is the girl who rescues mistreated horses and finds them new caring owners. The guy you think is so hot is the guy who's slept with almost every other woman in town. The man you think of as scum for having long hair is the man who talked a woman down from killing herself. The girl who no one wants sit next to on the bus home is the girl who cares for her dying father. The man who all the women in the office think is popular, witty and desirable is the guy who calls those same women behind their backs "fit slut" and gives each one a number rather than refer to them by name. The catty unapproachable woman cries herself to sleep each night. The rich old man can barely look his younger wife in the eye, much less show love to her. The muscle-bound weightlifter writes anonymous poems online which made thousands of women cry. The popular lad wishes he had a true friend to confide in. The sweet young lady secretly and irrationaly hates everyone she works with. The guy who everyone hero worships beat his last girlfriend and put her in hospital. The guy who thinks his group of mates like him, they call him a "douche" behind his back. The woman you think think of as well mannered and elegant broke a man's heart because he didn't own a motorbike or a house. The homeless guy once saved someone from muggers. The person who everyone thinks is caring and lovely removes people suffering with depression from their friend list on Facebook. The guy on Facebook with a sick sence of humour told your friends off for them slagging you off behind your back. The man who owns the most porn you know of also raises money for hospices and animal shelters. The guy who goth girls look down on and say isn't goth enough has seen the Sisters of Mercy, Xmal Deutschland and  Bauhaus live. The man who Christians hate because he's gay works for the emergency services and helped a little girl save her mother's life. The Asian guy on the street you hate because he's a "Paki" gave you sound advice over the phone to help you out of debt. The ugly scarred man next door fought in the First Gulf Conflict. The man you refused to employ for having tattoos pulled a man from a burning house. The woman you think is a slut is a virgin and is waiting for Mr. Right. The shop clerk you spoke to like filth for no reason has feelings, a partner and children. The person you think is a perv thinks that you're inspiring. The person you're friends with because you both smoke has nothing else in common with you. The good friend you stopped being friends with because they slagged off smoking created your favourite website. The guy you think is weird for being into spiritualism watches your back. The man you think is level-headed wants to masturbate at women on the London Underground. The beautiful woman who looks down her nose at everyone she walks past is a stripper. The fat guy you walk past who always says "Good morning!" and you think of as odd is a paramedic. The person you deliberately didn't invite to your party because you think they're odd admires you. The guy you did invite because you think they're amazing is single because all the women he's been with find him obnoxious. You don't want to date the cute curvy redhead because she has a "Few extra pounds", even though she'd do anything for you. The stick-thin blonde you've always lusted after would sooner watch reality TV than get romantic with you. The person with one arm writes books. The person who goes to the gym everyday loves only themself. The person who you bullied at school everyday got married. The person who bullied you at school everyday and everyone else thought was cool is on heroin.

Each of us have our own stories. Each person is a complex lifeform. We've all done it, but try not to judge someone just on one aspect of their persona. You may get a pleasant surprise or a nasty shock, depending on your first impression.